For years’ helmet bags have looked basic and offer zero protection to what is the most important piece of equipment for a racing driver, VCASO is the complete opposite to that.
The Helmet Case's made by VCASO are incredibly strong and lightweight, finished internally with a suede and foam lining, keeping any size helmet and shape locked in place, making sure nothing will damage it.
The Helmet Case Models benefit from an incredible amount of versatility. They can be placed flat on the floor, or stood upright just like a traditional briefcase.
The handle position allows you to carry the case closer to your body, meaning your shoulders won't ache whilst you walk through airports, or to the circuits. It also comes equipped with a smart sleeve, which secures the helmet case to your telescopic luggage handle while you travel.
Our mission is to upgrade the way people look after their racing equipment, our products are designed for one job and that it is to only protect the expensive item inside - your race helmet.
At VCASO we strongly believe that once you start using one of our products, you will never look back.